jean-frederic clere wrote:
Mladen Turk wrote:

JkFlush (On|Off|size) with On as default for each packet write. That way we'd be able to flush after each write, flush after each 'size' bytes or not flush at all.

Won't it be better to have a ws_flush()?

Not sure what you mean by that. Like a generic callback? Not sure if it would make sense. IIS for example does auto flushing, so It's only needed for Apache2. Having 'JkFlush size' like 'JkFlush 65536' will insert an EOS bucket after 64K. Having large chunks might make problems to outgoing filters like deflate, that depends on EOS bucket for compressing window size.

Right now the chunk size is AJP packet size (8K) that
might cause memory problems like JJC said.
Adding that as configurable server wide option will not break
exiting behavior, while it might speed up large data transfer,
and keep the memory low.

If 'JkFlush Off' is used a single ap_rflush will be issued
when all the data is send.

Regards, Mladen.

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