Yoav Shapira wrote:

"Correct Servlet Specification violation in reading manifests", aka bug
34993, is quite inappropriate for a full fledged summer project. The bug
is actually invalid, but more generally the project would be far too
short (see o.a.c.util.ExtensionValidator for the implementation of the
extension check mechanism mandated by the specification).

OK, good.  Thanks for pointing that out and resolving the bug.  If you
haven't edited the wiki page yet, I'll do so in a moment.

Don't know, the page is locked for me.

The intent on these projects is not necessarily for them to take 3 months of
intense work: it's to get some students to write some code which will get
them familiar and excited with open-source development.  That's it: a low

Makes sense. Where's the document on what summer of code ASF projects should be ?

Similarly, "Tune Jasper Performance for Multiple JSPs" should IMO be a
more general "Tune Jasper Compilation Performance" :)

Good point, will change.

"Enhance Tomcat to support one-to-many mapping of security roles" might
be also too short.

We'll see.  The idea is again to get them excited, maybe starting small, and
then continuing to contribute with other stuff.

I think the current security is somewhat a dead end. Adding to the list of questions, I don't know yet if it will be touched up in the upcoming Servlet spec. So I'd rather not plan to base new work on the current code until we know more.

I'd like to propose adding the following things to the summer of code:
- tag plugins implementation for JSTL (finally)
- improve admin/management tools (?)

Sure.  Feel free to edit the wiki page accordingly.

Well, we'd need consensus on tasks, I think. Most of the time, I don't like it when a random piece of code pops out of thin air.

Anyway, we need a community discussion on summer of code proposals.

OK.  My intent was to kick-start the process by posting some ideas to the
wiki page, and that seems to have worked ;)  Everyone, please take a look at
http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html and the linked Apache ideas page
(which is currently down for me ;(), and comment as you see fit.  Anyone
willing to be a mentor or help out, that's great.  Any ideas for projects
are also welcome.

Ok, from what I understand from Google's documents, pay is rather decent (for French standards, at least ;) ), so it seems project's length should be around 1 - 1.5 months.


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