Commons-Daemon is fairly stagnant, as you've noticed.  Mladen looks at it
every now and then, as do I, but it's a function of how busy we are with
other things ;)  You can always build your own custom version if you need
something urgently...  The patches will be evaluated when someone gets
around to them, which will hopefully be soon but can never be guaranteed.

Yoav Shapira
System Design and Management Fellow
MIT Sloan School of Management
Cambridge, MA USA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Longson, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 9:22 AM
> To: Tomcat Developer List (E-mail)
> Subject: bugreports for commons-daemon
> Hi,
> I'm writing to the tomcat-dev list as I understand that commons-daemon
> originated here. I've provided a number of bugreports, each with an
> associated patch to commons-daemon over the last three months (and also
> one for tomcat) but none of them have been applied.
> Am I doing something wrong with bugzilla or is it just that there isn't a
> committer who understands commons daemon actively looking at the commons-
> dev list? If there are any tomcat developers willing to spend some time on
> commons-daemon I would appreciate it very much.
> Best regards
> Robert Longson
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