Greetings All

Does anyone know of bugs in the 5.5.9 release of Tomcat with regards to recompiling Jsp's or incorrectly send SQL statements?

The reason I ask is, I do some development of Jsp's in Dreamweaver and use the synchronization utility to synchronize my local files with the files within Tomcat. Now, after having done this and refreshing the page, or triggering the link, Tomcat still runs the old file. If I delete everything from the work directory then it recompiles the Jsp and shows the new Jsp.

Also, I have a .jsp file used a resource for SQL queries. Once a page is run that calls one of these SQL queries, I continually get a SQL error that some column was not found. However, if I run the exact same query directly on the SQL server or via phpMyAdmin, the query executes successfully without any error.

Any aware of these issues? Or is there something else that might be causing these problems? Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.President
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