you can configure the Ant Compiler with following steps:
Copy ant.jar and ant-launcher.jar at common/lib
Edit conf/web.xml or your own app web.xml ( Change servlet-name at definition and mappings!)
I also thing that ant jikes mode work with Tomcat 5.5.x and mixed operating with Ant and JDT is
regards Peter
Bill Barker schrieb:
"Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kevin A. Burton wrote:
It looks like the web.xml configuration is lying about a number of things. Tomcat 5.5 ONLY used the JDTCompiler and will never use the AntCompiler. Theres not even a way to tell it to use one or the other.This isn't fun:
<!-- If you wish to use Jikes to compile JSP -->
<!-- Set the init parameter "compiler" to "jikes". -->
<!-- the property "-Dbuild.compiler.emacs=true" when starting cat -->
<!-- by adding the above to your CATALINA_OPTS environment iable. -->
<!-- If you get an error reporting that jikes can't use UTF8 encoding, -->
<!-- try setting the init parameter "javaEncoding" to -8859-1". -->
But I follow these instructions (as I did with Tomcat 5.0) and Tomcat 5.5 STILL uses jdtool!
Any thoughts?
The only way (currently) to use the AntCompiler is to remove the jasper-compiler-jdt.jar and install ant.jar and ant-launcher.jar instead.
Thus fork, jikes, etc don't matter anymore.
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