We are using Apache 1.3.12 with Tomcat 3.1 and experiencing weird problems.

1. checkout.jsp (FORM collecting new user info)
   - POSTs to checkout_eng1.jsp

2. checkout_eng1.jsp
     - adds user from #1 and does a response.sendRedirect("/checkout2.jsp");

3. checkout2.jsp shows the next FORM asking for mailing address information

Weird Symptom #1
On any version of Internet Explorer (never on netscape) the POST to step #2
above fails and up comes this IE error "cannot find server or DNS error" which
leads me to beleive that the response.sendredirect() is doing something odd,
maybe not sending back the correct http location header or something

If you immediatly hit the browsers back button and re-submit the form, it then
works with no problem and as expected. This only seems to occur the first time
submitting forms to a page that re-directs after an operation.

Weird Symptom #2
occasionally on Internet Explorer AND Netscape.
User submits info from form #1 above (checkout.jsp), their information is added
to the database and they are redirected to checkout2.jsp, HOWEVER what is shown
on checkout2.jsp is BOTH the previous pages contents (checkout.jsp) AND the
expected contents of checkout2.jsp with a visible HTTP response header printed
out in between checkout.jsp's contents and checkout2.jsp's contents ALL on
visible on the URL checkout2.jsp................

Anyone have any ideas? I tried checking the bug database but it appears to be

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