Title: Tomcat with Apache
Hi, Juan
It seem that the automatic start of Tomcat is one of the to-do's of the development group. In the meanwhile you can put together  bot tomcat and apache startup scripts.
Julio Serje
Calian Tech.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 4:38 PM
Subject: Tomcat with Apache

There all,

I am new with Tomcat, and my question is:
It is possible to configure Tomcat with Apache web server,
and make that Tomcat start automatically when Apache do?
I will appreciate if someone can help me, or send to my an example of howto!

By the way, it's Tomcat a wood engine to run JSP pages?
I use to work with JServ and GNP-JSP as the compiler...

Thank for all!!

PD: sorry for my english.

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