
> I have some virtualdomains and I want jakarta to look for jsp files in each
> directory, I mean:

> www.pepito.com -> /var/www/pepito/
> www.juanito.com -> /var/www/juanito/

See the docs and info below - this should cover it...


------Original Message------
From: Chris Kimpton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: tomcat tomcat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: November 2, 2000 2:03:05 PM GMT
Subject: Re: Virtual Hosting... with 3.2beta6 [PATCH to DOCS]


Thanks to Duane Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for putting me right on this.

>In the tomcat-apache howto, it describes a means of having virtual hosts with 1 JVM 
>using this version tomcat.
>...but the example server.xml it gives is actually the excerpt from the apache config 

So here is a proposed patch for that section of the document.

I am assuming that the html directory is the root of an expanded WAR file.  


This replaces the example "Option 2 - Same Tomcat for all Virtual Hosts (server.xml) "

[ snip! ]

<!-- in the context manager section -->
        <Host name="host1" >
           <Context path="" 
                    docBase=""/web/host1/html" />

        <Host name="host2" >
           <Context path="" 
                    docBase=""/web/host2/html" />

[ snip! ]
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