Apologies if a blank reply went before this one - bloody machine
is acting bitchy.

Two things I can think of, either of which might be useful or not.
1. I seem to recall there being a problem with Netscape and CSS
   file locations.  IE and Netscape handle relative pathing to 
   CSS files differently so this can cause a problem similar to this.
   However you use absolute paths so it's not likely this.

2. Try putting the css file into /examples, as opposed to the classes
   directly.  It should be directly readable from the pages and it's
   not a class so it shouldn't be in there, as far as I can tell.


-----Original Message-----
From: Philipp Zuderell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: Netscape can't find css

Hi all!

I have written a servlet that uses a StyleSheet to produce an HTML Page.

While the app works fine in IE5, NS4.75 returns the following error

Error: 404


I use absolute paths  everywhere in the program, and they all work (with
NS, too) except  this one.

Any help will be appreciated.


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