> [Sorry for the repost - but I'm stumped on this one.  I've looked in the
> online docs, etc.]
> How do I get a *standalone* Tomcat 3.1 server to resolve ~user requests?  The
> Apache 1.3.11 server handles ~user requests fine (UserDir public_html).  Is
> there something that needs to be added to jakarta-tomcat/conf/server.xml or
> a command line argument that lets Tomcat know what '~' expand to?  '~'
> expands to /dc/home NOT /home on our systems.
> What is Tomcat's equivalent of Apache's  UserDir public_html?
> Example:  http://asterix:8081/~bryan
> Apache handles this fine.  Tomcat complains that ~bryan directory is not found.

I don't think that Tomcat does handle that sort of requests. As stated
somewhere in the docs Tomcat is not a webserver replacement, so why
should one like to have web-server functionallity? Also I wouldn't use
the Tomcat standalone in a production environment. Try to get rid of
that setup, place Tomcat behind a web server like Apache that that
handles that kind of stuff and let Tomcat do what it's design for:
handle applications.

KPNQwest Austria GmbH., A-1150 Wien, Diefenbachgasse 35
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