<jsp:cdata> is currently not supported in tomcat-4.0.
You can either put the template data directly in the
jsp page, or you can simply use the standard XML tag
for CDATA: <![CDATA[... ]]>.

Give it a try and let me know.

Please report any JSP page in XML syntax that does not
work (except for the <jsp:cdata>). I'll make sure
the proper fixes are committed.

    -- Pierre

Anne and Bill Moore wrote:
> I anm still trying to get my head around JSP in XML format.
> Can anyone suggest further reading beyond the JSP Version 1.2 - Proposed
> Final Draft (PFD) spec or provide examples.
> When I try the examples like those from the spec using Tomcat Version
> 4.0 Milestone 4, I routinely get a java.lang.ClassCastException:
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParserXJspSaxHandler$Node.
> After some experimentation I was able to get very simple XML formatted
> JSP to work, but it seems that whenever the jsp contained a jsp:cdata
> element the class cast exception occurs.
> It may be that I have misunderstood the jsp:cdata element or is this a
> bug in Tomcat?
> --
> Thanks and Regards
> Anne and Bill Moore
> Remember: Life is too short to drink bad wine!!!

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