Kurt Bernhard Pruenner wrote:
> Well, I'm not surprised that people don't know where to look 
> for an archive of any of the mailing lists that 
> lists - there's is no single mention of them to be found!

That's funny.  I very clearly see a link there today, and it's been
there at least since earlier in the week when I went back to confirm
that people are being lazy and not trying hard enough to solve their own
problems.  (You have to scroll down, the top few lists don't have
archives, but I suspect they are very low-traffic).

I'm on this list to get help and help others as we work on getting
Tomcat working to solve our problems.  I expect everyone else to at
least work as hard as I do when I have a problem -- and for me, the list
is the last resort when I feel I have a unique problem.  I search the
Jakarta site, I check the FAQs there.  I check the FAQs on jGuru.  I
read the archives of the list.  I search Google.  I re-read the Tomcat

Then... if nothing is clear.  I email the list.  Can everyone else
please do that?  And not spam the list, would that be possible?

Sheesh.  Don't mess with me when I come in on a holiday day :-).

Michael J. Suzio
Lead Software Engineer -- ISS Southfield

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