Gregory Guthrie wrote:

> 1) How do I test it with their examples? There is a webapps/examples.war;
> how do I invoke it?

Tomcat from the Debian package runs its HTTP listener on port 8081 (that's
because 8080 is used by some other packages like junkbuster), so you
have to access the pages as http://localhost:8081/.

> I get an error that:
>         [Mon Nov  6 11:14:02 2000] [warn] Loaded DSO libexec/
> uses plain Apache 1.3 API, this module might crash under EAPI! (please
> recompile it with -DEAPI)

Please use a never package version - this problem was fixed in 1.1-3 which
is also in the release Debian 2.1.

>    omega:/etc/apache/logs# cat /etc/apache/logs/mod_jserv.log
>         [06/11/2000 11:21:05:257] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: can not connect to
> host

The AJP12 listener is disabled in the Debian package, you have to enable
it in /etc/tomcat/server.xml. This could also mean that Tomcat is not

> 5) One concern in that the startup file (init.d/tomcat) says:
>    "# Look for the right JVM to use - Tomcat does not work with Kaffe!"

You'll have a lot of trouble if you try to use Kaffe with Tomcat, Please
remove the kaffe package to change the java alternatives using
update-alternatives to some other JVM.

> In any case I never get any errors in tomcat.log (which in fact does not
> exist!)

There are some classes missing in Kaffe so I guess Tomcat does not start
at all.

Stefan Gybas

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