What seems to happen is:
Tomcat starts (& works fine)
But when I start apache and include the mod_jk config file
Apache doesn't start anymore. Unfortunately
we don't get any error messages in any logfile.
Where are working on an Alpha 1000 with Tru64 Unix 4.0D


-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy McPherson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: vrijdag 8 december 2000 10:04
Subject: Re: Install Apache3.14 with mod_jk.so and Tomcat3.2

Mario Beekwilder wrote:

> Hi,
> We are trying to get Apache3.14 working with mod_jk.so and Tomcat3.2
> on a Digital Alpha Tru64 4.0D Unix, with J2SDK 1.2.2.
> Everything compiled fine (thanks to the other mail-threads :)
> Apache with mod_jserv runs fine.
> Now the configuration of Tomcat and Apache with mod_jk. That's hard!
> Anyone already up-and-running?
> Mario Beekwilder
> Software Engineer  - CMG-TP

I have had no problems with Linux and Solaris. Getting mod_jk to compile
is explained the the mod_jkHowto file in in the doc directory. It was
really quite straightforward. Then you need to take the mod_jk.conf-auto
file include it in the httpd.conf and tune it to your needs. You
probably also need some Location and LocationMatch directives in the
httpd.conf file to get Apache to see the static files in your Tomcat

If you explain what the problems are, then we could help, but as we
don't know what precisely is going wrong we can't help much!


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