Save your money - if this works, fine. I've had the same problems a time or
two myself.

First, try putting the meta tags at the end of the page as well as at the
start - something about the way the browsers process the information... I
don't know. I do it, it helps. Secondly, keeping in mind that a redirect is
a browser function and if the above is ineffective, rewrite the page logic
to perform the delete and then spit out the HTML from the display page, as
opposed to redirecting to it.

Hoping this helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: Adress, David S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 8 December 2000 11:29 PM
To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'JRun-Talk'
Subject: $20 bucks to the 1st person who actually solves my problem!!!

I am on this for days and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I will
send $20 bucks to 1st person who actually solves my problem.

I am using jsp page's to control the layout of my page and servlets to spit
table data or to do database transactions.

I have a jsp page that displays a list of employees. The jsp page
has an include statement to include the servlet to spit out the table.
The jsp just handles the general look of the page and the servlet just
spits out the table and table html tags. Next to each record I have an add
delete hyperlink. If someone clicks the add link it displays another page to
an employee and then the action servlet adds the record and then goes back
to the jsp
list page. If some one deletes a record it calls a servlet to delete and
then the servlet redirects back to the jsp list page. But the list doesn't
display the updated data without having me hit the refresh button in the

I tried using Tomcat and now am using Jrun and am still having the same

I've included all the proper meta tags in the jsp list page not to cache but
it's not working. I've also tries doing it with reponse.setHeader but it
doesn't work either.

I've tried sending a random number param to the page
ShowList?rnd=Randomnumber it still doesn't work.

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