Here's a searchable archive

John Marquart wrote:
> TOMCATers,
>         Is there any way to make a digest form of this list available?  Is
> there an archive?  I cannot find one mentioned at the jakarta homepage.
> This list generates a huge amount of traffic - much of it redundant or
> already contained in the faq.  This is the kind of traffic that will most
> likely beat your best and brightest into the darkness and turns off
> novices such as myself.  I have not been on a technical mailing list in
> quite some-time which responds as consistently to questions already in the
> FAQ.  The very few non-FAQ threads that I have found on the list have been
> great and have taught me alot, but the noise-to-signal ratio in general is
> troubling.
> Once before there was a discussion about moving/adding a newsgroup /
> digest format.  The newsgroups idea was shot-down because it would be
> possible that some individuals would not be able to access it from behind
> firewalls.  Can we have a digest then?  Most mailing-list software can
> handle digests - it cannot be that difficult to configure.
> If such a digest already exists - I apologize, and beg you to add its
> subscription information to the mailing list pages.
> thank you,
> -jamie
> John "Jamie" Marquart           |     This message posted 100% MS free.
> Digital Library SysAdmin        |  Work: 812-856-5174   Pager: 812-334-6018
> Indiana University Libraries    |  ICQ: 1131494         D'net Team:  6265

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