Someone else said they could not get authentication directives defined to
Apache to work for pages redirected to Tomcat.  I encountered the same
problem, but have found a workaround.  If you update your server.xml file so
that the document root used by Tomcat for a particular context is in the
Apache document directory, it seems to work.  An example may clarify.
On Windows, I have Tomcat in c:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2 and Apache in c:\Apache.
Apache's document root is c:\apache\htdocs.  I originally had Tomcat context
"domino" with a docbase of "webapps/domino", and the following Directory
directive in httpd.conf:

<Directory c:/jakarta-tomcat-3.2/webapps/domino>

Going to a file in the domino context did not prompt for a userid/password.

I then updated Tomcat's server.xml to use a docbase of
c:\apache\htdocs\domino (and of course moved the files there) and changed
Apaches httpd.conf with the following Directory directive:

<Directory c:/apache/htdocs/domino>

Now, when I try to get a file from http://myserver/domino, I get the popup
dialog to enter a userid and password.

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