You should use servlet mapping. If you have http://myhost/myjsp.jsp the 
servlet that call your jsp should be mapped as http://myhost/myservlet . In 
this way all the relative links are still good.
An additional hint...... if you map your servlet with an extension, for 
instance myservlet.Svlt and use a configuration such as
JkMount /tf/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /tf/*.Svlt ajp13

all the request not related to tomcat are served by Apache!!!!


At 13.48 11/12/2000 +0000, you wrote:
>      I'm using using forward to pass a request from my servlet to a JSP
>      page i.e.ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher ("my.jsp").forward(req,
>      res).
>      This is fine (the JSP gets displayed no problem) but any relative
>      links in the JSP get messed up with a "/servlet" in the middle - e.g.
>      a graphic referenced as "images/mygif.gif" becomes a link to
>      "contextname/servlet/images/mygif.gif" rather than
>      "contextname/images.mygif.gif", links to HTML files similarly get
>      "/servlet" inserted.
>      Help ! There must be a simple solution I'm missing here.
>      Steve Quail.

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