Here's a simple one, don't be afraid to answer me more than once! (better
than not at all)

If I want every *.jsp in the entire directory tree to be redirected from
apache to tomcat, but still have the jsp files in the apache htdocs area,
what would my server.xml look like?
(i'm not interested in servlets currently)

1) do I set the ROOT context of tomcat to be the same location as apache?
2) do I have some sort of obscure global mod_rewrite rule ?
3) do I symlink $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps to $APACHE_HOME/htdocs?
4) something else entirely? 

AND, will this work with ~username server references?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Running on:  Solaris 2.6/apache 1.3.14/Tomcat 3.2final/mod_jk. (apps
installed yesterday).

David Bussenschutt          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Computing Support Officer & Systems Administrator/Programmer
Location: Griffith University. Information Technology Services
          Brisbane Qld. Aust.  (TEN bldg. rm 1.33) Ph: (07)38757079

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