I am a linux newbie so this might be a stupid question but...
I have linux 6.2 installed (using Redhat).
I have Apache 1.3.14 running well.
I have JDK 1.3 installed and working.
Now to get to where I want to be, I want to get Tomcat 3.2 running with
Apache. There are no RPM's for it as of last night (at least not at
redhat.com) and I do not want to mess with the older version. Can I install
the unix tars from apache.org on my system without building it myself? I
would assume there are system specific things that would require a rebuild
but I really do not want to deal with that right now. How long does it
normally take to get RPMs on redhat.com for something like this?
Any advice would be appreciated.

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