I want to execute a servlet as a welcome-file.
how do i do this?

i thought i'd put this in web.xml:


but that doesn't.
i can't find the file index.do so it just skips the welcome file (including
those defined in the general web.xml because <welcome-file-list> is
overwritten i guess) and simply display the dir listing.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Tran, Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 11:14 AM
Subject: welcome-file-list

> Hello!
>   I am trying to have all my http request foward
>   to a mainServlet first and after few verification
>   send it to the appropriate page.
>   For example, if you type http://mylocalhost/
>   if should go directly to myapp/servlet/mainServlet which
>   reside in Tomcat. However if you type http://mylocalhost/hello.html,
>   it should go to my Apache web server.
>   I am using Apache+Tomcat combination. Someone
>   told me once that I could use <welcome-file-list> but I haven't
>   been able to find any doc....
>   Ideas? Thanks in advance!
>   Cheers,
> Francis

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