I think the idea is that Webapps are distinct self-contained applications
and therefore should not depend on _anything_ outside of the webapp. If you
have components which need to share session info, they _should_ be in the
same webapp. You would then build your webapp as you would any application
that has multiple components and possibly multiple developers (very
carefully ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Nuss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 09:19 PM
Subject: webapps are useless toys?!


Does anyone with a need for one session for all areas of the site
(single sign-on for users) find the current JSP specification
for Web-apps useful?

It seems like each webapp is a separate servlet context, which means
that there is no way to share session info among different components
of the site, if they are segmented as Webapps.


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