The "permission denied" message usually means what it says :-).

Check the operating system permissions of the directories you have Tomcat installed
in, versus the operating system username under which Tomcat is running.

Craig McClanahan

Mohammed Akacem wrote:

> Hi,
> my servlet failed to create a file in the temp directory of tomcat.
> tempdir =
> (getServletContext().getAttribute("javax.servlet.context.tempdir")).toString();
> hier is an ouput:
> tempdir=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/work/localhost_8080
> hier is the Exception message I got:
>  I can not  create the Permission denied
> Context log path="" :getfileservlet1:  couldn't create the
> filePermission denied
> Context log path="" :getfileservlet1:
> IOeX/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/work/localh
> ost_8080/To1016mC19342253663432762At.stl (Permission denied)
> platform:Apache + tomcat +Linux
> thanks for any help
> Mohammed

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