Naresh Chhabria wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I'am getting the following error when accessing this  /jsp/Jdbc.jsp
> Internal Servlet Error:
> org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException:
> /var/net/services/infoline/doc/jsp/Jdbc.jsp(4,44) Attribute , has no value
> this jsp has the following code:
> <%@ page language="java" import="*","java.sql.*","JdbcBean" %>
> where JdbcBean is a class which has functions for database connection,
> returning resultset object and closing the connection.

I think the parser is trying to tell you to only use one
set of quote marks around the entire import attribute.
like this "*,java.sql.*,JdbcBean"

Java Cert mock exams
Author of Java Developer's Guide to Servlets and JSP 
ISBN 0-7821-2809-2

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