
jboss+EmbeddedTomcat with Integrated Stack (fast) is great idea.

But network access is not the only thing making EJB relatively slow...
It's primarily RMI. My question is:

Isn't it possible to write jboss so that RMI is not used when calls
are made inside one JVM? If possible, it would be the greatest speed
improvement. RMI should be used when neccessary; but when
servlet container and EJB server share the same JVM and the same
address space...

What do you say ?

----                                                                ----
patrik.beno@{qbizm.com|inmail.sk}                           ICQ#98931498     
--                                                                    --
Patrik Beno                                     Qbizm technologies, Inc.
developer                                       ... the art of internet.
Kralovopolska 139                                  tel: +420 5 4124 2414
601 12 Brno, CZ          http://www.qbizm.com      fax: +420 5 4121 2696

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