> Ayyappa wrote:
> i am calling a applet from a .jsp page in the following manner
> <applet  code="crossword.Test"  height="200" width="200">
> </applet>
> i am having the .class file of the applet in a package inside the
> classes folder in WEB-INF. It says that class Test not found
> I even tried using the <jsp:plugin> tag but it asks me to install the
> java plugin. can i call the applet using the applet tag above or is it
> important to use the <jsp:plugin> tag.
> Ayyappa
> email -id  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The way you have this set up now, the browser will 
request the class files from the server using
the url for the servlet. Servers are forbidden to directly
serve anything from WEB-INF. This same problem also affects 
image files. One solution is to define a <base> tag in the
<head> area of the page you generate - this tag gives a href
to a location the server CAN serve files from - anywhere you
would put a normal static HTML page.

Java Cert mock exams http://www.lanw.com/java/javacert/
Author of Java Developer's Guide to Servlets and JSP 
ISBN 0-7821-2809-2

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