I will try to be brief, but this will need to explanation.
1) I was going to search the archives , but the search engine is down, so
   please don't flame to bad.

I have jsps, that refer to database objects that have been populated by a
servlet and then forwarded to the jsp.

Looking at the code below, if a did a forward of the jspURL, it do not know
of the
UNservlet.consultant session object.

If I do the include, the jsp does know about the UNservlet.consultant

The problem is that this only works with IE. Netscape, displays the html
generated in text(like view source)

I hope this makes sense. Can someone please Help???


HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
session.putValue("UNservlet.consultant", new Consultant() );

RequestDispatcher disp =

//the forward did not include the new session object


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