Hello forsythe,

I recommend downloading the Java 1.3 SDK.  I believe it is final now..?  It
outperforms earlier versions and would be the best choice for your server.
If you are downloading at 56k - ...oh well, just do it.  It also includes
all of the latest features (java 2d, java 3d, java media, etc.)  It is
stable and is a good performer. You need a good compiler for JSP pages.

For applets, you are stuck with 1.1 and earlier if you want the majority of
your visitors to make use of them.  The plug in is a 2-3 meg download and it
is unreasonable to expect a visitor to download that.  There is also a bug
in Sun's delivery system currently which doesn't allow Internet Explorer to
download the plug in anyway.  You will receive the latest plug in with your
version 1.3.  You can still compile your applets with depreciated methods.
You can install multiple JDKs of different versions on the same machine.

Good luck,

-----Original Message-----
From: forsythe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Which JVM for Tomcat?

> Also I will also have APPLETS running in addition to servlets & JSPson
> server... So if I create a JAVA2 APPLET that WILL require a user download,
> right? Right.

Fine.  What has that got to do with Tomcat or the JVM you are installing
on your server?  Nothing.  Right?  Right.

> If you read carefully I asked "Which jvm works BEST" The Best. BEST. Ok
> more time " THE BEST" I Tomcat supports ALL JVMs, I'm asking if people
> preferences based off experience.

Best for what.  FOR WHAT?  Ever hear of requirements?  Right?  Right.

> Hey 'Charles' I think you should try to learn how not to be a prick while
> answering people questions.  Ass.

OK.  Tomorrow I will be nicer.  I doubt that you will be any smarter.

-- Charles

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