I've seen the same. And I know the load-on-startup IS working.  I added:

        lynx -dump http://localhost/YOUR_URI_HERE 2> /dev/null

To tomcat.sh ... it's not the cure but it masks the symptom.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Gollub [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Delay in invoking first servlet

I've got tomcat running with apache, and everything's working fine,
but when I invoke the first servlet from a browser, I get a 60-80
second delay.  Everything after that is fast -- it's just that first
servlet that's showing the delay.  It doesn't matter which servlet
I use, or whether I <load-on-startup> -- it still happens.  Anyone
know what's going on, or how to fix it?

Rachel Gollub

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