After looking through the archives more (why is it
that you always find something after you've asked.)  I
found this message:

That's exactly what I want to do.  However the server
is running Tomcat 3.3.1a.  Short of updating the
server, is there anyway to fake the
contextInitialized() and contextDestoryed() methods in
the Older Tomcat?

Matt G. Ellis
--- Matt E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All!
> Our team here has written a simple Connection Pool
> class that is a singleton.
> I've noticed that whenever Tomcat reloads my webapps
> context (when I add a new class or something like
> that), that it the next call to the Connection Pool
> get instance method doesn't see the previous
> singleton, and hence, it allocates a bunch of new
> connections.
> This would be fine, except that the old connections
> are never closed (it seems that the Garbage
> Collector
> doesn't eat them up) so I think that the old
> instance
> of the singleton is still floating around in the JVM
> somewhere.
> This causes all the free sessions on the Database to
> be eaten up, forcing a restart of tomcat.  Once
> tomcat
> is restarted, all the connections are closed out
> (since the JVM terminated, I guess) and things are
> fine again.
> What do I need to do so that the old connections are
> removed?  This is on Tomcat 3.3.1a.  Here is the
> relevent code of the Singleton getInstance method:
>     public static synchronized ConnectionPool
> getInstance(ConnectionPoolConstants c) throws
> SQLException {
>         constants = c;
>         if (instance == null) {
>             // Determine which database url to
> connect
>             db_url = constants.getTestDBURL();
>             String line = "";
>             try {
>                 Vector return_vec =
> DelphiRuntime.execCommandWithOut("hostname");
>                 Enumeration return_enum =
> return_vec.elements();
>                 while
> (return_enum.hasMoreElements())
> {
>                     line = (String)
> return_enum.nextElement();
>                 }
>             } catch (InterruptedException ire) {
>             } catch (IOException ioe) {
>             }
>             if
> {
>                 db_url =
> constants.getProductionDBURL();
>             }
>             instance = new ConnectionPool();
>         }
>         return instance;
>     }
> Thanks for any insights!
> Cheers!
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