Richard Downey typed the following on 09:45 AM 2/12/2001 +0000
>I am moving working applications from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1 and after getting over
>the strictly enforced case rules everything seemed to be OK , however I've
>noticed that whenever a session expires using  HttpSession session =
>req.getSession(true); seems to trigger a loop leading to a stack overflow.
>This can be replicated and the problem disappears when I switch back to
>3.1.1 .

Can you give us a very simple test case so we can replicate this? Does
the same thing happen with req.getSession()?

>I have also observed that the initial getSession is slower than under 3.1.1
>(5 seconds 3.2.1 versus a time in milliseconds for 3.1.1) I've checked that
>it wasn't some kind of cookie conflict between 3.1.1 and 3.2.1 by getting
>rid of the cookies. Any ideas would be gratefully received.

This is due to the random number generator being initialized, it should only
happen the first time a session is gotten after the server is re-started.


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