At 02:37 PM 8/6/2003, you wrote:
That is pretty much what my understanding was as well.  But I am glad
you cleared it up for me.  So appending my webapp folder name is not
"bad practice" then.  It is just something that has to be done.

Depends what you mean. Appending your webapp folder name in your html pages is NOT considered good practice because it locks you in to a specific web application name. There are three good solutions to this problem:

(1) Use Mike's suggestion of using request.getContextPath() when generating your html. This would produce code such as (in a jsp):
<img src="<%request.getContextPath()%>/myServlet"/>

(2) Make all of your URLs relative.  That means doing things like (in html):
        <img src="../myServlet"/>

(3) Maintain all this information in your own configuration files. I prefer this method as it allows for maximum flexibility in deployment (for which I'm responsible) -- but that's a different Thread. Do whatever works best for you. This produces something like (in a jsp):
<img src="<%MyConfig.getURLPrepend()%>/imageWebApp/myImageServlet"/>


Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com

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