        Fo about a week I have been attempting to build mod_jk on an SGI
indigo2.  I have tried severa different configurations.  Including,
        tomcat 3.2.1 with apache 3.12, apache 3.14 and apache 3.17.  I am
able to successfully compile apache in all of the listed
configurations.  The problem has been mod_jk.  It just dosen't seem to want
to compile and play nice.  I have taken advice from     several here in the
users group.  Kudos to Mike Braden an others.  Who helped me get it to
apoint in which I appear to be getting  close.  My question is this.  Does
anyone have any SGI specific walk through instructions like Jan Labanowski's
page?   I am using IRIX
6.5.10 and would really like to link my applications I have on  tomcat to
apache.  Anyones help much appreciated.

        Dave Hladky
        Softwar Engineer


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