Following up to myself here... 

On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Fredrik Jonson wrote:

> I'm trying to get tomcat (from sun's jwsdp1.2) to do a default mapping. 
> I (and a lot of other people, apparently =) have tried:
>         <servlet-mapping>
>                 <servlet-name>MainView</servlet-name>    
>                 <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
>         </servlet-mapping>

Today I changed it to:


And, as I understand it, tomcat(?) returns that servlet mapping for
requests for the root catalog. Well, it is a kind of workaround, but
since it works well enough I'll just accept that and continue. 

But if anyone know more about the magic behind it all, I'd be very
greatful for a thorough explanation of how and why it works. 

TIA & regards, 
Fredrik Jonson

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