1) Stop and start the context. Reload only dumps the classloader and creates a new one.
2) Use a persistent manager (JBDC, file, ...) which will probably still be required with a context stop/start


Nitschke Michael wrote:
I try to dynamically create and change servlet mapping in the web.xml in
full production mode and then reload/reread the web.xml to update the
mapping, but as i read in the manage application:

<quote>NOTE: The /WEB-INF/web.xml web application configuration file is
not reread on a reload. If you have made changes to your web.xml file
you must stop then start the web application. </quote>

it does not work like i need it, because the tomcat should not be
restarted (loss of temporary data).

Is there a way to keep the mappings available for tomcat and reloadable
(no tomcat restart requiered).

Thanx Mike

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