I am using tomcat 4.1.24. I have a couple of

1. Online documentation about class loader says,
System class loader operates on CLASSPATH. I have
included j2ee.jar in my CLASSPATH, but tomcat is not
picking it up. Why is it so?

2. When I use tomcat, system property
"java.naming.factory.initial" is initialized to
"org.apache.naming.java.javaURLContextFactory". Where
did the system pick this property from? How can I 
override this setting? I initialized JNDI context with
environment having "java.naming.factory.initial" as
but ultimately 
"org.apache.naming.java.javaURLContextFactory" is set
to "java.naming.factory.initial". How can I avoid

I would appreciate if anybody can help me with these
issues. I am really struggling for a week.


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