I hope you don't consider this too trivial a question but I have tried
everything I can think of to get this working. I have read as much of
the docs as I can, looked at the faq's and searched the archives. I know
the information is there but I can't find it.
I want to make my application the root application.
That is, I don't want to have to type in the context path after the port
I just want to type http://localhost:8080
Actually I have this working.
The first resource accessed is a Servlet
here's my servlet mapping
When I access http://localhost:8080 <http://localhost:8080/>  the
servlet executes and forwards the request to a jsp dependant on weather
a cookie is available
 here is the server.xml that sets the root application
<Context path="" docBase="mydir" debug="0"/>
here is the jsp that is being executed
<%System.out.println("JSP resource paths = " +
application.getResourcePaths("")); %>
        <td><img src="/images/england.gif"></td>
The output from getResourcePaths is
JSP resource paths = [/header.jsp, /images/, /.nbattrs, /getCountry.jsp,
Yes, the images are available in the images directory.
However, no matter what I do I cannot get the images to display. I have
tried every conceivable path expression without luck.
Any halp much appreciated.
Duncan L.Srang

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