You have to configure server.xml file

There are 2 things

1) <host> which defines your docBase
2) <context> which defines different contexts
See for the tag specifications
Living things are systems that tend to respond to changes in their 
and inside themselves, in such a way as to promote their own continuation.

Janis Olekss
Exigen Latvia System Analyst
(Office) +371 7072900
(Cell) +371 9136267

"Shailesh Modi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
09/04/2003 10:12
Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"

        To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        deployment problems in tomcat 4.1.27

  I am trying to deploy my web application in tomcat 4.1.27, earlier 
3 was successfully running my web-app.

1. basic problem - I want to set my web-app context as "/remind/cafe/"
(e.g. http://server:port/remind/cafe/ but tomcat 4.1.27 asks me to
put my web-app war file into webapps folder where i cant set my own 
Actually i dont know how to set my own context in tomcat 4.1.27.
I want to place my web-app files in my devlopment folders and run
application from there itself by tomcat 4.1.27 .

2. I have some config property files into my WEB-INF/properties folder. Do 
have to place these files into WEB-INF/lib folder so that they can be
accessible by my servlet at application startup Or is there any way where
these files can be picked up from properties folder itself.?

Any pointers would greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot

Shailesh Modi

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