Your plan should work pretty well. I do something similar myself. The major
difference is that I use one installation of Tomcat for all the sites.
I have a script to start tomcat for each site, that points CATALINA_HOME to the
shared Tomcat binaries, and CATALINA_BASE to the conf/, logs/, temp/, work/, and
webapps/ directories for the site:

file /home/site1/tomcat/catalina:
  CATALINA_BASE = "/home/site1/tomcat"
  CATALINA_HOME = "/usr/share/tomcat4"      (or whatever)
  CATALINA_OPTS = "-server"                  (maybe others)
  $CATALINA_BASE/bin/  $*

I can do   ./catalina start,     ./catalina stop,    etc to control each
site.  It works pretty well, especially if you're developing one site while
others are in production.

Two things to watch for:
1) You are correct that you have to use different ports for each server.xml file.
I declared that site one could have ports between 8100-8199, site 2 between 8200-8299,
etc. Each project can use whatever they want in their range.

2) Since these Tomcat instances listen on ports above 1024, they don't need to
be started by the "root" user. If they did, I'd be very wary of putting the
server.xml file (and other config files and scripts) where the user could
modify them. Also, your system boot procedures need to take some steps to
start them using the correct username.

3)  I use Apache as a front end for all these Tomcat instances, using a proxy
instead of JK or JK2.  In each virtual host, there's something like this:
    ProxyPass         /examples/     http://localhost:8181/examples/
    ProxyPassReverse  /examples/     http://localhost:8181/examples/
There are two nice things about this:  Apache logs everything, making it
easier to do usage reports.  And, all the connections to Tomcat come
from Apache and localhost, so I can block outside connections to all
ports except the ones Apache listens to.  However, it's still possible for
user A to change his server.xml file to listen to a port that's being sent
traffic for user B.  For my purposes, that's not an issue; for others, it
may be.

Good luck!
    ...Bob Langford...

At 02:12 PM 9/6/2003, you wrote:

I have Apache 1.3 and Tomcat 4.1.8 on a Red Hat 9 machine.

Apache serves several virutal hosts. We have one Tomcat instance running with several web contexts, one context for each virtual host.

Now I would like to change this to have one Tomcat instance for each virtual host (this is necessary because Tomcat sometimes crashes, and I don't want all virtual hosts to be down then).

I read a book about Tomcat and searched the Web, but could not find out how to do this. What I assume is:

In Apache's httpd.conf I have something (after the import of mod_jk):

NameVirtualHost (or whatever)

DocumentRoot /tomcat1/webapps/xxx
JkMount /servlet/* worker1
JkMount /*.jsp worker1
JkMount /*.do worker1

DocumentRoot /tomcat2/webapps/yyy
JkMount /servlet/* worker2
JkMount /*.jsp worker2
JkMount /*.do worker2

Then I will install Tomcat two times, in /tomcat1 and /tomcat2.

The server.xml of each Tomcat contains different ports (for shutdown and for the connector for ajp13).

The should look like:


Is this all correct? Should that work?


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Bob Langford
Silicon Masters Consulting, Inc. 8207 Stone River Court, Richmond, VA 23235
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