Why don't you put all your stuff under Tomcat? With Struts 1.1, it's
possible to define several contexts for your application (i.e. have several
struts-config.xml files) and this seems to me the solution which possibly
could address your needs. Additionally, if you have the possibility, the
ideal solution would be a mixture between Apache httpd and Tomcat, so that
HTML is served by Apache which guarantees better performances.

I know that the security issue is a 'pain in the ass' (I'm writing my
security model but the reason is that I'm guaranteeing security on the EJB
tier, and there is no vendor-independent security solution at present), but
if you need only to check security at the web-lier, I would seriously think
to implement the security using Tomcat native architecture, with one of its
security realms modules.

Hope this will help,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Langford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 1:19 AM
Subject: Advice wanted about mapping URIs to pages

> I'm trying to decide how to lay out my application.  The major question
> is how to make Tomcat run it, but ideas for better organization would
> be welcome also.
> I'd better describe the setup, even though it's a bit lengthy.  I'm
> a separate instance of Tomcat, dedicated to this project.  It's got two
> sections: access control and content.
> 1) The access control is a set of JSP pages (using Struts) that handle
>     user signup, login, etc.  I have written a <Filter> that checks
>     on each page.
> 2) The content is a bunch of static HTML, GIFs, Flash, etc.  Down the road
>     there will also be some JSP here.  This stuff is written by another
>     and mostly already exists.
> I'd like to have the directory    |  Accessed from URI's such as these:
> layout like this:                 |
> ./tomcat/webapps/control.war         xyz.com/
> ./web/public/*.html                  xyz.com/public/foo.html
> ./web/basic/*.html                   xyz.com/good/bar.html
> ./web/deluxe/*.html                  xyz.com/better/some.pdf
> ./web/premier/*.html                 xyz.com/best/cool.swf
> The first one seems straightforward.  The others are a bit harder.  It's
> going to be possible to put them into a .WAR file, and they're going to
> be updated constantly.  They're not under the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps
> so I don't know how to tell Tomcat to find them.  Maybe symbolic links?
> The hard part is context.  My custom <Filter> has to apply to all the
> directories
> under ./web, but also access the Session and other data that is part of
> control.war,
> and I've had trouble doing that.  It would be easy to have them be
> apps,
> but I can't get my authentication working that way.
> Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.  I'm still
> experimenting,
> but I feel like every idea I've tried is an ugly hack.  I'd rather be
> elegant :-)
> Thanks!
> P.S.  Infrastructure:  Linux 2.4.x, Tomcat 4.1.27, Struts 1.1.  Solutions
> don't
> have to be portable to other software.  I'd rather not use Tomcat 5,
> though.  (Yet)
> --
> Bob Langford
> Silicon Masters Consulting, Inc.    8207 Stone River Court, Richmond, VA
> phone:  804-674-1253      fax:  804-745-6650
> http://www.silicon-masters.com/
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