Hi all,
  I am running Tomcat 4.1 on HPUX11.11, jdk1.4.1 running a small jsp page.
Tomcat hangs with 100% cpu after some time. I tried to do a kill
-SIGQUIT on the process, but there is no trace dump. Trace dump works
only when the cpu is not at 100% (or when tomcat is running
normally). I tried using glance and checked all the threads, most of
the threads are in wait state SYSTEM and 3 threads are in wait state
SLEEP. These 3 threads are the ones that have high CPU time.
  I notice this behaviour even when no body is accessing web page. So
it looks like when it is idle for a while the CPU usage goes 100%. 
  I don't know how to debug next. I need some help in finding out why
and where the CPU goes nuts. Is there anything i need to change in
the config files ? Please help.

Thanks in advance,


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