I'm just starting to use Tomcat (4.1.27) and I'm trying to get my existing app to 
work.  It worked fine with JRun, but it seems that Tomcat requires that I specify the 
full package name for a class whenever I use it??  Is this true?

For example,  I get, "cannot resolve symbol" for the following:
import com.fgic.Utility.*
Utility util = new Utility();

But when I change it like below, it works fine:

import com.fgic.Utility.*
com.fgic.Utility util = new com.fgic.Utility();

So does this means I have to go through all my code and specify the full package name 

Note: in JRun, I didn't even have to specify the package name in the import statement. 
 It was able to find it with just: import Utility.*

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