
My Tomcat installation works fine until sometimes (usually after 24 hours),
calling the simplest servlet locks up the Tomcat threads,
causing the tomcat engine to be unresponsive.

The servlets I'm running work with a mysql JDBC connector connecting to
mysql database.

In the following case, after tomcat has been up for about a day, I've called
the simple "Hello" servlet  (code at the bottom). After calling it a few
times there was no
more response from the server and the tomcat manager/status page (which
sometimes returns and sometimes not) clearly shows that the "Hello" servlet
is stuck:

Stage 1:  After calling the "Hello" servlet

Stage    Time        B Sent    B Recv    Client                VHost
S        32671 ms   0KB        0KB       mdrmus    Get
/printserver/servlet/Hello HTTP/1.1
P        ?                ?            ?            ?
?                ?
S         615 ms    0 KB        0 KB        mdrmus
Get /manager/status HTTP/1.1
P        ?                ?            ?            ?
?                ?
R        ?                ?            ?            ?
?                ?

Stage 2: After trying to view the status/all page several times, each time
not getting any response.

Stage    Time        B Sent    B Recv    Client                VHost
S        94124 ms   0KB        0KB       mdrmus    Get
/printserver/servlet/Hello HTTP/1.1
P        ?                ?            ?            ?
?                ?
S        54513 ms   0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1
P        ?                ?            ?            ?
?                ?
S        20402 ms   0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get /
P        ?                ?            ?            ?
?                ?
S        11525 ms   0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1
S        11175 ms   0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1
S        10969 ms   0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1
S        10825 ms   0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1
S        6342 ms     0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1
S        241 ms       0 KB      0 KB        mdrmus    Get
/manager/status/all HTTP/1.1

At this point the server is completely stuck and no calls are returned.

If anyone has any idea how to solve this problem, I would be most grateful.

-----------------------------  Additional technical info
follows -------------------
Setup information:
Tomcat Version: 5.0.12
JVM version 1.4.1_05-b01
JVM Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
OS: Linux
OS Version: 2.4.20-8
OS Architecture: i386
Server is running on port 80 (tomcat started by root)

JVM stage 1:
Free Memory: 2.32 MB, Total Memory: 8.88 MB Max memory: 134.21 MB
JVM stage 2:
Free Memory: 6.17 MB, Total Memory: 15.47 MB Max memory: 134.21 MB

http80 stage 1
Max threads: 150 Min spare threads: 25 Max spare threads: 75 Current thread
count: 25 Current thread busy: 5
Max processing time: 1914 ms Processing time: 13 s Request count: 70 Error
count: 5 Bytes received: 0.0 MB Bytes sent: 0.21 MB

http80 stage 2
Max threads: 150 Min spare threads: 25 Max spare threads: 75 Current thread
count: 25 Current thread busy: 13
Max processing time: 1914 ms Processing time: 14 s Request count: 78 Error
count: 10 Bytes received: 0.0 MB Bytes sent: 0.22 MB

"Hello" Servlet code:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class Hello extends HttpServlet
    public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request,
                       HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException

  PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
     out.println("Hello there");
    public String getServletInfo() {
        return "The Hello servlet says hello there";

Thanks again,

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