2) OK. The previous connection reached timeout.

-----Original Message-----
From: Brett Neumeier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 1, 2003 10:53 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: various JK2 problems

> I've got JK2 running to connect IIS and Tomcat. Two issues 
> bother me at the moment.
> 1. When JK2 is started the corresponding log file 
> ($CATALINA_HOME/log/jk2.log in my case) 
> is created. However, it's more or less empty (just a few 
> cryptic characters) but still 
> consumes 1024KB...

This isn't a log file -- if you look at your workers2.properties, you'll
find this is a "shm" ("shared memory") file.  It's used for communication
among multiple processes.  It's consuming 1 MB because you're telling it to
do so in the [shm] block.

> 2. stderr.log contains dozens of connection timeout messages:
> 01.10.2003 13:56:20 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket 
> processConnection
> INFO: connection timeout reached

That one I don't know.



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