On Wednesday, Oct 1, 2003, at 18:54 Europe/Amsterdam, Hua Hou wrote:

2 jsp: A.jsp, b.jsp

Inside b.jsp, I have <jsp:include page="a.jsp"/>

In the browser, when I invoke b.jsp, A.jsp is compiled into "a_jsp.java" and

My understanding is that jsp is case sensitive, which means A.jsp should
never be compiled into "a_jsp.java" and "a_jsp.class", instead, Tomcat
should give "404" error. Is there way to prevent Tomcat from compiling
"A.jsp" into "a_jsp.java" when A.jsp is included using jsp:include?

JSP's are case sensitive for it's variables.
But what you have is a StringValue.
For this to work correctly I think you have to know if your operating system is case sensitive.
I think it isn't. That's why you get this behavior.

Werner van Mook

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