What's the standard way of quoting text for inclusion in a web page in
Java?  Ie. I need a method to convert the string

  Jeb said, "Hell & damnation! Is 5 > 4?"


  Jeb said, "Hell & damnation! Is 5 > 4?"

(I think: I've never been entirely sure what the right way to handle
quotes is.)  That is, I want the standard Java equivalent of Python's
cgi.escape(), or Perl's CGI::escapeHTML().

To my utter amazement, I cannot find any indication that such a method
even exists in the standard Java library!  (I tried Google'ing and
poking through the JDK 1.4 docs.)

So I went looking in the source for Tomcat 4.1.27 -- surely the HTML
version of the manager app must quote at least the webapp's display
name, since it comes from a user-supplied file and therefore might
contain funny characters.  Surprisingly, the manager just lets funny
characters through without touching them.  Eg. if you put

  <display-name>foo &amp; bar webapp</display-name>

then "&amp;" is translated back to "&" by some part of the XML-parsing
chain, and is emitted as "&" in the manager HTML page.  Most browsers
can deal with minor violations like this, but it's still technically
incorrect.  Just for fun I tried this:

  <display-name>my &lt;script&gt;alert("foo");&lt;/script&gt;</display-name>

...and it works!  The manager emits this HTML:

 <td class="row-left"><small>my <script>alert("foo");</script> webapp</small></td>

and my browser pops up a JavaScript window while rendering the manager
page.  Cool!  I doubt this is a security hole -- not many people can
edit web.xml! -- but surely it at least counts as a rendering bug.  ;-)

So: can someone tell me what the standard way of quoting text for
inclusion in a web page generated by a Java web application is?



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