Hi :)

Shapira, Yoav wrote:

Feel free to contribute...

A discussion like this turns out to be more of a learning course for me than a contribution to the docs i suppose :D

Should i post the tomcat-dev mailinglist for contributions to the docs as well? Maybe i'll try to work out some updated tutorial... in the not-so-near future that is...

For the normal reason things are deprecated: methods, classes, build
targets, documentation.  They're out of date and no longer supported, so
complaints about them are ignored.

I'm not complaining, and i understand the meaning of the word deprecated ;)

I just wondered why one would deprecate a target by it's name, and not by it's function. As you could have seen, the target i posted contains a <deploy ... />, and it's still not clear to me what of both things now is deprecated? I mean... i could also write a target with name "my-funky-target" and put the deploy statement in there... Or DO targets have special meaning based on their names?

By the way: any idea why Ant doesn't warn me about this deprecated stuff?

Anyhow, i should go RTFM, so if none bothers to answer this i could relate ;)

I can understand a bit of your confusion, since you're new to this as
you say.  The app developer's guide and its tutorial are not new,
they're probably almost 2 years old by now.  They're modified here and
there, and haven't really been updated for tomcat 5 yet, just mostly
copied over from the tomcat 4 docs.

Yeah, I figured so... <drama> Well thanks anyway for letting me see "the light" :) </drama>


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