Hi Ashish,
You should put your props file under WEB-INF/classes and call it as
"JTS.props". This should work..

Enterprise Web Infrastructure

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: Tomcat settings: Unable to access a text file ....

Hi there,

We were using a web application using iPlanet. Now we want to try Tomcat as
a standalone Application container for the same application. We have
migrated the application in the desired directory structure under Tomcat
directory with the apropriate changes to the application's Web.xml and the

The directory structure looks like this ....
Webapps/OurAPPLICATION/jsp/*.jsp and *.html Webapps/OurAPPLICATION/gif/

Now, i have a login.jsp that uses a java file (ReadIni.java under /classes)
to read JTS.props file. The problem is i can access this .props file if i
give the absolute path of this file but can't read the same if i just give
the name, e.g. "D:\\JTS.props"  works, but "JTS.props" doesn't

This was working fine under iPlanet as this file used to be kept under the
appropriateServer/conf file. The doubt is where do we keep it in Tomcat so
that the Tomcat server applies the appropriate context-path before the name
of the file, or what configuration setting might facilitate the same? Any
and every help is welcome....

Ashish Gadre
Polaris Software Labs

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