Hi, everybody. I've some doubts about html form charset encoding. I will be glad if someone could answer questions above.

1 ) We have jsp files with directive <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="utf-8" contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8" %>
and some classes with the following working code :

   if ( request.getEncoding() == null ) {
         String s = request.getParameter( "some_param" );
         byte [] b = s.getBytes( "iso-8859-1");
         s = new String( b, "utf-8" );

a) Will it work for any charset encoding ? If i replace "utf-8" for "windows-1251" this code will still work ?
b) Is there another clean way to use "utf-8" in my jsp pages ?
I've read the document in http://tagunov.tripod.com/i18n/i18n.html but i'm not sure if i could understand it. :-(

2 ) When i use request.setEncoding( "windows-1251") and request.getParameter( "some_param" ), which one of these sentences will be true ?

a) request.getParameter() will do

       byte [] b = s.getBytes( "iso-8859-1");
       return new String( b, "windows-1251" );

b) request.getParameter() will do

byte [] b = s.getBytes( "windows-1251" );
return new String( b );

c) request.getParameter() will do

byte [] b = s.getBytes( "windows-1251" );
return new String( b, "windows-1251" );

d) request.getParameter() will do

       byte [] b = s.getBytes();
       return new String( b, "windows-1251" );

Thanks in advance !!!!

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