See the javadocs for AccessLogValve (prefereably your local version since the site is a version out of date. Any setXXX(stuff) method can be set declared in the AccessLogValve decalration. For example, there is a property called rotatable as indicated by setRotatable(boolean). This can be set in the vavle by this:

<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
 directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
rotatable='false' pattern="common" resolveHosts="false"/>

You can declare as many Valves as you want. I recommend copy/paste to get as many declarations as possible on a test tomcat instance so you can play with the different property permutations.


Julie christiana wrote:

Sorry to bother you all with so many questions,
but could you please send me a sample server.xml which achieves the same.
Any documentation for the same would also be useful.
Julie Chritiana

Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The AccessLogValve does not have the ability to perform the deletion of old files.

You can have multiple AccessLogValves at the same time. For example: one writing to a single non-rotating log file and the other rotating nightly.


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